Computer Student Association
Unix Lab

The laboratory provides computer competent environment in the department. Lab is equipped with 20 machines with internet facility the purpose of this lab is to quickly get students up to speed with basic usage of the Unix development environment, as a preparation for all future lab activities.
Utilization: UG/PG
Area of Practical: 68.88 sq. mtr
Lab Incharge:
Prof. Kulkarini V. K.
Lab Assistant:
Mr. Sanap S. S
Project lab

The Project Lab offers supplemental learning services and resources. Peer and faculty tutoring, assistance with test preparation, access to computers, printers and online computer-assisted learning programs. This laboratory is a Lab as a Museum.
Students can perform the experiments based on test preparation, access to computers, printers and online computer-assisted learning programs.
Area of Practical: 75.52
Lab Incharge:
Prof.Dalvi A.S
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Tuplonde R.D.
Hardware Lab

The Hardware Laboratory has various types of microprocessor, micro controller trainer kits along with interfacing modules to demonstrate the detailed applications of microprocessors. The purpose of this laboratory is to train the students to be familiar with the software and hardware of microprocessors so that they can gain enough experiences to meet the demand of the microprocessor era and principles of combinational and sequential digital logic design and optimization at a gate level.
Students can perform the experiments based on test preparation, access to computers, printers and online computer-assisted learning programs.
Area of Practical: 77.26
Lab Incharge:
Prof Mokle S.R.
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Wagh R.A.
Internet Lab

Lab is equipped with computer terminals with Internet connection, chairs, white board and good quality furniture and sensors of IoT projects
The laboratory equips with a few groups of computer network systems designed for the students to learn the concepts of the communication technologies in LANs and WANs, and in Routing and Switching. These systems are located at a separated standard equipment room and can be remotely accessed through the computer terminals.
Area of Practical:
Lab Incharge:
Prof. Ansari S.W.
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Wagh R.A.
Software Lab-I

The C programming Lab has 70 computers with Turbo C, C++ compilers and MS office packages. This Lab for I&II Semester students to practice programming in C language by implementing C control structures , pointers, array operations, etc. In odd semesters, this lab is also used by S5 students as Computer Graphics lab for imparting basic knowledge about line, circle, ellipse, polygon filing, clipping algorithms, implementing 2D and 3D transformations etc.
Area of Practical:
77.26 Incharge:
Prof .Kurhe P.V.
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Shinde N.N.
Software Lab-II

SL-II Lab is equipped with 60 networked PCs. The software used in this lab is C++, Java, Visual Studio, SQL Server, and Oracle. This lab is meant for better understanding of the OOPS concepts such as encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, types of inheritance, polymorphism, types of polymorphism, concepts of files etc. In even semesters, this lab is used as Data Structures Lab for the implementation of stack, queue, linked lists, tree, graphs and their applications in Java.
Area of Practical:
77.26 Incharge:
Prof .Mistri K.A.
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Shinde N.N.
Multimedia Lab

Multi-computer teaching facilities dedicated to integrating creative technology with teaching and learning. We provide software, equipment and support for the production of web, software development, graphics, video animation, 3D fabrication and sound.
Students can perform the experiments based on production of web, software development, graphics, video, animation, 3D fabrication and sound. This laboratory is basically used to focus on the multimedia techniques.
Area of Practical:
Prof Gade S.A.
Lab Assistant:
Mr .Gujar K.S.
Microprocessor Lab

Microprocessor lab enable the students to study about the assembly language programs for problem solving using software interrupts and various assembler directives ,interfacing of various I/O devices to the microprocessor/microcontroller through assembly language programming.
Area of Practical:
Prof.Gotraj S.M.
Lab Assistant:
Mr. Gujar K. S.