Estd. 2006
Jagdamba Education Society's

S. N. D. College of Engineering & Research Center, Yeola

Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra | Affiliated to SPPU Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
isologo 2

Training Programme


Career Development can be defined as the assemblage of psychological, sociological, educational, physical, and economic factors that combine to influence the nature and significance of work in the total lifespan of an individual. In simpler terms it is an individual’s progression through life. Taking the right decisions at the right time contributes a great deal in creating an envious career. The Training & Placement Cell at SND Group works towards achieving this goal. The activities, workshops & programmes conducted by the TPO are a means to achieve the much sought careers and are not an end in itself. The cell provides vast opportunities for quantitative growth as they widen the student’s horizon to unimaginable prospects. The Cell makes special effort to ensure students are on target with educational and career goals, and helps them to identify the perfect career path.

In the mission of creating tomorrow’s leaders for the country, we at Training & Placement Cell are extremely focused on employability skill development, entrepreneurship awareness and life skill. With a conducive environment for scholastic excellence, we encourage our students to learn by developing a holistic approach towards education. A rigorous academic regimen supported with career development cell year round skill development, entrepreneurship & extracurricular activities not only broadens their knowledge base and skill set but also imbibes in them the feeling of social and individual responsibility. The aim is to create well balanced professionals who would be the change agents of future, yet carry forward the legacy of SND group.

TPO with an integrated approach to education with practice, student’s creative qualities and innovative skills are being further honed. The journey of their transformation through the unique pedagogy of our institute is on; which we are sure, will hold them in good and prosperous state in future.

TPO enjoys unflinching support and constant patronage of Industry & bodies. Knowledge and continuous learning are the mainstays amongst the leading organizations today. In view of this requirement and the vision of SND group, TPO grooms its students with a perfect blend of academics, employability skills, entrepreneurship, core competencies, and ethics & values so that they evolve and succeed in every sphere of their life in our radical and complex society.

Students are constantly be engaged in their own development throughout our academic programme, and beyond, in 3 broad time-pockets:

Branding:-  Students will be exposed to preparatory sessions on self-branding, CV and Relevance Cover preparation, interview skills, presentation skills, and personal preparation. They will be engaged with career specialists, headhunters, HR from organizations, and competency experts.

Connecting:-  Student engagement with Alumni, Business Leaders, and prepare to undertake projects/internships, corporate social responsibility projects, as SND ambassadors as preparation for their next leadership career role.

Choice:  Our ecosystem & Network will target and identify Career Track, and the organizations that share their personal and professional values. Specifically, will leverage ecosystem to source for their career opportunities, respectively to provide students what they need in order to plan their careers to match their personal vision and dream of becoming thought leaders for the next decade and beyond. The Training & Placement Cell mission is to foster excellence in career development, and preparation for all students.  It will promote strong partnerships with employers so that current students as well as the alumni can benefit from possible emerging job opportunities. Professionalism combined with specific skills set are high in demand in the competitive global job market. I hope that from the Training & Placement Cell, we can provide the support necessary for the individual success of all our students.

A comprehensive list of functions carried out by the Training & Placement Cell is mentioned below.

  • The Cell assists students in understanding their strengths and interests and helps them in identifying career goals and to plan the career in such a way that it integrates one’s strengths, values and hobbies.
  • The students are helped in choosing the right career option or the appropriate course to one’s aptitude. The students are made aware about the scope of a course or a career that one is pursuing or planning to pursue in India or abroad.
  • Students are encouraged and helped in their pursuit of higher studies. Relevant information regarding higher studies in India and abroad has been collated by the Cell and is available to the students by linkage  with US consulate general & Other similar bodies
  • The TPO lends a lot of focus on leadership development, entrepreneurship, strengthened decision-making capacities and teamwork.
  • The flexible course schedule is designed with the purpose of accommodating professional, personal and family commitments.
  • The students are provided with the opportunity to develop professional relationships with the business community through strong network & links
  • The student society plays a proactive role by organizing entrepreneurial & social events, professional development events, and other activities throughout the academic year.

The Cell organizes Seminars, Workshops towards development of Soft Skill, organizing Industrial Training and Project Work for the students.

The main emphases of the Career Development Cell is the processes for career development – career awareness, career exploration, career preparation, and work experience. This Cell will also provide information and resources to help students make career decisions.

Our purpose is to expose the students to options that best fit their individual career needs.

Our career development programme comprises two main drivers:

  • Personal Development

Self-Awareness and Career Direction – Providing an increased awareness of personal preference, values, aspirations, and career choices.

Networking & Culturalisation – Developing interpersonal sensitivity, confidence and ability to lead, motivate and work with different streams.

Academic Asset Acquisition – Acquiring necessary academic prowess for certain career tracks specialization with the help of Technical skill development cell.

  • Professional Charting & Enhancement

Sector Leverage & Interconnectivity – Engaging Alumni and Business Leaders to enhance student standing in the Sector eco-system.

Continual Knowledge & Competency Acquisition – Developing a Brand Model for Leadership Success.

Increasing Professional Value & Career Mapping – Actively engage with Headhunters/Recruitment Firms throughout student’s career to map and build their ROI value to organizations at key points in their career.