Estd. 2006
Jagdamba Education Society's

S. N. D. College of Engineering & Research Center, Yeola

Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra | Affiliated to SPPU Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
isologo 2

Constituent Unit

Constituent Unit

I. Engineering

  1. SND College of Engineering & Research Center (Master of Engineering)
  2. SND College of Engineering & Research Center (MBA)
  3. SND College of Engineering & Research Center (Bachelor of Engineering)
  4. SND College of Engineering & Research Center (BBA)
  5. SND College of Engineering & Research Center (BCA)
  6. SND Polytechnic (Diploma in Engineering)

II. Pharmacy

  1. SND College of Pharmacy (M.Pharmacy)
  2. SND College of Pharmacy (B.Pharmacy)
  3. Diploma College of Pharmacy (D.Pharmacy)

III. Agriculture

  1. Krushi Tantra Vidyalaya (Diploma Agri.)
  2. Diploma in Dairy Science & Animal Husbandry College (Dairy Diploma)

IV. Education

  1. SND D.Ed College
  2. Adhyapak Vidyalaya, D.Ed
  3. College of Education (B.Ed GEN.)
  4. Matoshri Asarabai Darade Women’s College of Education (B.Ed)
  5. SND College of Master in Education (M.Ed GEN)
  6. SND Art, Commerce and Science College Junior College
  7. SND Art, Commerce and Science College Senior College

V. Medical

  1. Matoshri Aasarabai Darade Ayurved College and Hospital, Babhulgaon

VI. Nursing

  1. SND College of P. B.Sc. Nursing (Nursing Degree Course)
  2. SND College of B.Sc. Nursing (Nursing Degree Course)
  3. Jagdamba School of R.G.N.M. Nursing (Nursing Degree Course)
  4. SND School of A.N.M. Nursing

VII. School

  1. SND Public School – C.B.S.E. Board
  2. Santosh Shramic Madhyamic Vidyalaya & Junior College
  3. Madhyamic Vidyalaya & Junior College, Rahadi