Sr. No | Name of Staff | Post | Department |
1 | Prof. Jamdhade C.G. | In charge | App.Sci |
2 | Dr. Ubale V.N | Member | MBA |
3 | Prof. Londhe V.D. | Member | Mech |
4 | Prof. Gaikwad K.P | Member | ETC |
5 | Prof. Gawande Y.B | Member | Civil |
6 | Prof. Shejwal C.K | Member | Electrical |
7 | Prof. Abhale B.A | Member | IT |
The Roles and Responsibility Of The Committee is As Follow
- Counseling cell must visit to hostel for observing students activities and discuss with students about their problems.
- Counseling committee allows students to effectively deal with problems and issues before they become unmanageable.
- Arrange the professional counselor through ant ragging cell or grievance redressal cell.
- Keep the record of visit at hostels.
- Counseling cell try to counsel the students through tutors and solve their problems.
- Take feedback from students about their academic and other issues.
- Counseling empowers students with enhanced ability to solved problems. Make decisions and deal more effectively with their personal situations.
- Helps students to alleviate distress, enhance wellness, utilizing their best potentials and facilitate the achievements.
The process is confidential expect in a condition where disclosure is necessary to protect a students.