Event: Guest Lecture
Expert: Dr Vasant A. Matsagar. (Professor IIT Delhi)
Activity Incharge: Prof Pote R.K
Date: 29/04/2023
Venue: Seminar Hall
Objective: The lecture aimed to raise awareness about the importance of educating communities on earthquakes, their impacts, and effective measures to mitigate risks and enhance resilience.
The event was organized by the Civil Engineering Department in association with IGS Pune Chapter. The expert for the same were Dr Vasant A. Matsagar. The expert taught the basics of earthquakes, types of seismic hazards, understanding structural vulnerabilities, risk assessment, and effective mitigation strategies. The lecture also addressed the importance of community involvement in earthquake resilience efforts. The expert lecture on earthquake engineering education for communities highlighted the significance of educating communities about earthquakes and promoting resilience. The report emphasizes the need for tailored curricula, community engagement, and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the success of these education initiatives. By empowering communities with knowledge and skills, we can create safer and more resilient societies in earthquake-prone regions.
Event: Workshop
Expert: Er Ganesh Jadhav. (Unitest Private Ltd)
Activity Incharge: Prof Pote R,K
Date: 27/04/2023
Venue: Seminar Hall
Objective: The non-destructive testing (NDT) workshop aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of various NDT techniques and their applications in the field of engineering.
The event was organized by the Civil Engineering Department in association with IGS Pune Chapter. The expert for the same was Er Ganesh Jadhav. The workshop highlighted the importance of NDT in ensuring the quality, integrity, and safety of structures and components without causing damage or disruption. The workshop began with an overview of NDT, explaining its purpose and benefits. The speaker discussed the different NDT methods, including visual inspection, ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, and eddy current testing. Each technique was explained in detail, along with its advantages and limitations. The non-destructive testing workshop provided participants with a comprehensive overview of NDT techniques and their applications. It emphasized the importance of NDT in ensuring structural integrity, safety, and compliance with industry standards. The workshop showcased the latest advancements in NDT technology and provided practical insights through case studies and hands-on demonstrations. Participants left with a deeper understanding of NDT principles, techniques, and emerging trends, equipping them with valuable knowledge to apply in their respective fields of engineering.
A guest lecture on “How to crack MPSC Engineering Service Exam” was held on 08 September 2016. The guest lecture was organized by CESA to provide the students with brief introduction about the syllabus and exam pattern of MPSC Engineering Service exam. The lecture was delivered by Er.Uddhav Murkute who is working as Executive Engineer in Water Resource department Government of Maharashtra.
Expert lecture on Dams and Hydraulic Structure was delivered by Dr.C.L.Jejurkar on 05/01/2017. He explained major hydraulic aspects of dam engineering considering recent developments in research and construction, namely overflow, conveyance and dissipations structures of spillways, river diversion facilities during construction, bottom and low-level outlets as well as intake structures. Furthermore, the he covered reservoir sedimentation, impulse waves and dam break waves, which are relevant topics in view of sustainable and safe operation of reservoirs.
A guest lecture was conducted on Construction of Nuclear Power plant by Dr Chandrashekra .He taught the construction phases of a new nuclear power plant and vital safe operation of the facility through its design life.
Blood donation camp was organized at SND College of Engineering Yeola in 2016 , In which Civil Engineering students had participated to organize an event.
Participation of Civil Engineering students in Swach Bharat Abhya 2017