Ellipse 1
Estd. 2006
Jagdamba Education Society's

S. N. D. College of Engineering & Research Center, Yeola

Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra | Affiliated to SPPU Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
isologo 2

Topper Record


Topper Record

Electrical Department Topper List Sem-I 2023-24

SE Topper List 2023-24

Class Rank Name of Students SGPA Class
1st Jejurkar Prachi Rajendra 9.5 First Class with Distinction
2nd Kere Dattu Anil 9 First class with Distinction
3rd Bhavar Nikita Janardhan 8.95 First class with Distinction

TE Topper List 2023-24

Class Rank Name of Students SGPA Class
1st Sonwane Om Subhash 9.10 First class with Distinction
2nd Shirsagar Shradha Bapusaheb 8.57 First class with Distinction
3rd Deokar Vaishnavi Kacheshwar 8.52 First class with Distinction

BE Topper List 2023-24

Class Rank Name of Students SGPA Class
1st Kushare Vikas Madhukar 9.20 First class with Distinction
2nd Nikam Priyanka Babasaheb 9.15 First class with Distinction
3rd Pawar Pallavi Gulab 9.10 First class with Distinction

SE Topper List 2022-23

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1st KSHIRSAGAR SHRADDHA BAPUSAHEB 7.45 First class with Distinction
2nd PATIL VARSHA GORAKH 7.32 First class with Distinction
3rd JADHAV DNYANESHWARI BABAN 7.07 First class with Distinction
4th KHATAL TEJAS BHARAT 7.02 First class with Distinction
5th BHAGWAT KOMAL JAYWANT 6.93 First class with Distinction

TE Topper List 2022-2023

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1st KHAN TABASSUM AQEEL 8.79 First class with Distinction
2nd PETKAR SHRUTIKA SURESH 8.38 First class with Distinction
3rd NIKAM PRIYANKA BABASAHEB 8.29 First class with Distinction
4th PAWAR PALLAVI GULAB 8.38 First class with Distinction
5th DEOKAR DIPALI BHAUSAHEB 8.38 First class with Distinction

SE Topper List2021-2022

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1st KHAN TABASSUM AQEEL 8.64 First class with Distinction
2ND PALLAVI GULAB PAWAR 8.00 First class with Distinction
3RD PAWAR RAHUL BABAN 7.91 First class with Distinction

TE Topper List2021-2022

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1ST AHIRE PRIYANKA ASHOK 9.62 First class with Distinction
2ND BOLIJ AARTI BALASAHEB 9.36 First class with Distinction
3RD PAWAR DHIRAJ RAJENDRA 9.19 First class with Distinction

BE Topper List 2021-2022

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1ST WAKCHAURE PRATIKSHA BABASAHEB 9.91 First class with Distinction
2ND MUNDHE SWATI SHANKAR 9.77 First class with Distinction
3RD ZOND VYANKTESH KIRAN 9.75 First class with Distinction

S.E. Toppers 2020-21

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Ahire Priyanka Ashok 9.11 First class with distinction
2 Punekar Trupti Dnyaneshwar 9.05 First class with distinction
3 Shinde Nikhil Ashok 8.68 First class with distinction

T.E. Toppers 2020-21

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Kurhe Pooja Parshram 9.93 First class with distinction
2 Girase vaibhav Dilipsing 9.91 First class with distinction
3 Shaikh Tamanna Shabbir 9.87 First class with distinction

B.E. Toppers 2020-21

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Shinde Shreyas Santosh 10 First class with distinction
2 Shaikh Nadim Kasim 9.95 First class with distinction
3 Turkane Rushikesh 9.95 First class with distinction

S.E. Toppers 2019-20

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Waghchaure Pratiksha Babasaheb 9.74 First class with distinction
2 Shaikh Tammana Shabbir 9.18 First class with distinction
3 Kurhe Pooja Parashram 8.7 First class with distinction

T.E. Toppers 2019-20

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Avhad Komal Vilas 8.87 First class with distinction
2 Khairnar Bhagyashri Arun 8.76 First class with distinction
3 Bhavar Ratna Manik 8.65 First class with distinction

B.E. Toppers 2019-20

Class Rank Name of student SGPA Class
1 Talekar Jivan Bhaskar 9.66 First class with distinction
2 Patel Kasim Raut 9.64 First class with distinction
3 Kokane Prasad Pandurang 9.39 First class with distinction

S.E. Toppers 2018-19

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1st AVHAD KOMAL VILAS 8.44 First class with Distinction
2ND BHALERAO PRAJKTA DATTATRAY 7.52 First class with Distinction
3RD KHAIRNAR BHAGYASHRI ARJUN 7.36 First class with Distinction

T.E. Toppers 2018-19

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1ST PATEL KASIM RAUF 8.85 First class with Distinction
2ND KURHADE BALASAHEB ASHOK 8.76 First class with Distinction
3RD THOMBARE NITIN BALASAHEB 8.54 First class with Distinction

B.E. Toppers 2018-19

Class Rank Name of students SGPA CLASS
1st BODKE GANESH HIMMATRAO 9.11 First class with Distinction
2ND TIPAYALE SHARAD PRABHAKAR 9.7 First class with Distinction
3RD RAUT GOPAL SHANKAR 9.5 First class with Distinction

S.E. Toppers 2017-18

Class Rank Name of the student CGPA CLASS
1 Mr.Patel Kasim Rauf 8.14 First Class with Distinction
2 Mr.Wagh Swapnil Ramesh 8.08 First Class with Distinction
3 Miss.Bhabad Ankita Sanjay 7.72 First Class with Distinction

T.E. Toppers 2017-18

Class Rank Name of the student CGPA CLASS
1 Mr.Raut Gopal Shankar 9.3 First Class with Distinction
2 Mr.Bodke Ganesh Himmatrao 8.89 First Class with Distinction
3 Mr.Tipayale Sharad Prabhakar 8.72 First Class with Distinction

S.E. Toppers 2017-18

Class Rank Name of the student CGPA CLASS
1 Miss.Sonawane Vidya Dattatraya 80.33% First Class with Distinction
2 Miss.Wadghule Kalyani Hari 77.47% First Class with Distinction
3 Mr. Pingale Vikas Kailas 76.07% First Class with Distinction
3 Miss.Pawar Snehal Mukund 76.07% First Class with Distinction