Ellipse 1
Estd. 2006
Jagdamba Education Society's

S. N. D. College of Engineering & Research Center, Yeola

Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra | Affiliated to SPPU Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
isologo 2

Internal Complaint Committee

Sr. No. Name of Staff Post
1. Dr. D.M. Yadav Presiding Officer
2. Miss. Manekar A.U. Member (MBA)
3. Mr. Lachkake Mukesh Member (NGO)
4. Mrs. Kurhe P. V. Member (Comp)
5. Mrs. Nagre J.P. Member (Library )
6. Dr. Ansari U.S. Member ( Civil)
7. Prof. Kshirsagar D.P. Member (Office)
8. Prof. Sawant S.G. Member (Mechanical)
9. Dr. G.R. Bombale Member (Computer)
10. Mrs. Kamble S.T. Member (Electrical)
11. Ku. Landge Shivani G. Student Member
12. Ku. Dhage Arti G. Student Member


  1. A committee for Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of women at work place.
  2. This Committee works for women’s & girl student’s grievances in case of any complaint received


  1. Awareness of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) trough website, prospectus, brochures, Board in college campus.
  2. Awareness of Gender sensitivity in college campus.
  3. Conduction of programs concerning women’s welfare.
  4. Deal with the cases of Gender discrimination/Sexual Harassment.
  5. Committee in charge should conduct the meeting regularly and report to the undersigned.
Please fill the form below in the case of any complaint