Ellipse 1
Estd. 2006
Jagdamba Education Society's

S. N. D. College of Engineering & Research Center, Yeola

Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra | Affiliated to SPPU Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
isologo 2


Sr. No Name of Staff Post Department
1. Dr. D.M. Yadav Chairman Administration
2. Prof. Sanap S. T. College Examination Officer Civil
3. Prof. Kasliwal S. S. Assistant College Examination Officer Civil
4. Dr. H. S. Rane Member Mech.
5. Prof. Shejwal C. K. Member Electrical
6. Prof. Pote R. K. Member Civil
7. Mr. Manish Khaire Clerk Office
Role and responsibility of CEO and Examination in Charge are Given Below

College Examination Officer will work as Custodian during the Theory exams of the University.

  1. Guide the exam section to conduct the University exams smoothly as per the regulations by the University.
  2. The execution of the work related to various circulars received from the University within the time limit.
  3. To guide the students appearing for University exams.
  4. To monitor the financial support received from the university and the expenditure incurred thereof and to submit the audited report to the University time to time.
  5. Monitoring the exam stationeries received from the university and records of its uses and submits the report of the same to University.
  6. Report the malpractices during the examination if any to the University.
  7. To guide and monitor the conduction of practical and theory exams as per the schedule of University exams.
  8. To execute the orders/circulars received from the controller of exams (SPPU) on time and take necessary actions.